This project aims to provide a platform where users can easily budget and gain financial literacy skills. The target audience for this product is young adults generally ranging from ages 18-35, who are having their first experiences with large-scale financial decisions and budgeting.
User Research: Surveys
The purpose of this research was to develop an understanding of people’s habits surrounding personal finances and money management. The screener surveys and in-person interviews look at how people feel about their personal finances, what sort of tools they use, as well as what potential tools would best benefit their current financial situation.
User Research: Personas
The research was then used to create personas representing the primary users: Natalia the Learner, Dan the Go-Getter, Teresa the Caregiver.
Competitive Analysis: Heuristics
I did a competitive analysis on three of the most popular financial apps based on the findings from the surveys and interviews I conducted. The competitive analysis is based on Nielsen Norman Group's 10 heuristic principles. The apps I analyzed are Mint, RBC Mobile, and Wealthsimple.
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